In order to keep the flow of traffic running smoothly during drop off and pick up in the front driveway, it is very important that when possible, please move forward as much as possible. Please stay in your vehicle when picking up and dropping off.
During drop off in the morning, once you are along the straight red curb in line in front of the school, your student should exit the vehicle on their own. The drop off line is not for parents to get out of their vehicle. The expectation in the drop off line is that students can open their own door and exit the vehicle without assistance. Please do not wait until you get to the first spot by the main entrance to have your student exit, this will slow down the line tremendously by doing this. Once stopped and in the line right in front of the school building, have your students exit the vehicle to help the drop off process run smoothly and safely.
TK and Kinder should utilize the side gate by the south parking lot.
Grades 1-5 should utilize the front entrance. If your student is unable to exit the vehicle on their own for whatever reason in the drop off line, you should utilize the parking spots and then walk them through the parking lot and through the crosswalk.
In order to ensure the safety off all people on campus, we ask that these guidelines are followed every time on campus.
Thank you,
RRE Staff